- Place napkin on small tray, and two cups (large and small) on napkin.
- Locate teaspoon in desk drawer.
- Select desired tea(s) from among five small tins – yes, I blend them occasionally.
- Transfer a teaspoon of leaves to the infuser.
- Take the lot to the kitchen.
- Warm the large cup with hot water from the urn. Remove water.
- Place infuser in cup and fill with hot water.
- Take the lot to whereever the tea is to be consumed.
- Wait five minutes.
- Transfer infuser to small (empty) cup so tea is no longer brewing.
- Imbibe!
- Empty leaves from infuser into bin.
- Remove stubborn leaves from infuser by running under tap.
- Rinse both cups.
- Take the lot back to my desk, ready for next time.
The infuser doesn't match a teapot for flavour: a pot allows the leaves more room to unfold and more contact with the water; it also traps the aroma. But teapots are a nuisance to clean. So I thank goodness for my infuser during the week and use a single-cup teapot on the weekend.
My selection of teas includes: Assam for straight-up tea taste; Russian Caravan with a smoky flavour; Prince of Wales for a fuller body that's good for blending and great with a snack; Earl Gray for that classic citrus aroma; and Stockholm Blend containing Assam tea, vanilla pieces, dried fruit peel, and probably other such stuff. I'm hoping to acquire some green teas with various accompaniments soon.